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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 6

I'm diving into the second half of the Hello Sunshine Teachers' Mindsets in the Classroom book study and the topic has me feel like I'm drowning. 

This chapter had to with parents and working as a team to emphasis the growth mindset for your students/their children. 

Here are my notes from the chapter.

This past year, I struggled a lot with parents. I didn't have issues with them. They didn't have a problem with me. I was just terrified. Like if I was trying to talk to my own parents.

That. And the fact that I was constantly embarrassing myself in front of them.

Like the one time I mispronounced my last name...I say it in a rather redneck, country way as opposed to the traditional Spanish pronunciation. One particular parent let out a snort when she heard the way I introduced myself. I guess that's to be expected when you are a little country girl with a Spanish last name working in a highly Hispanic community. 

Or the time I ran into one of my student's and her mom at McDonald's and before the mom had ever met me and before I walked up to say hi, she was telling her daughter that I must be someone that looks like her teacher because I was much too young to actually be a teacher.

I'm grateful for living a life full of embarrassing moments because it has conditioned me to laugh off instances just like these.

Despite those types of situations, I know it will take me sometime to sit down and draw out a plan of action to introduce and continue to foster the growth mindset in the minds of the parents, as well. I hoping to see some handouts or discussion starters on the other blogs linking up. These other amazing teachers have really shared so much knowledge to deepen my understanding of this book.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 5

Late to the Hello Sunshine Teachers party again. Because I was too busy actually partying. We celebrated my little prince's SECOND birthday yesterday.

Now that the party is over and my house is back in order, it's time to focus on my book study.

Chapter 5 reflections are below.

I loved this chapter. I love anything that talks about resiliency. It's one of my favorite characteristics to find in a person. 

This chapter felts like a checklist for me...on each page I felt like I could check off something I've done for a student. It was very reassuring. 

I can't begin to count how many times I've had conversations about success and failure and effort with my gifted students this past year.  They were my toughest cookies to get to understand the connection. While I couldn't get them all on board, I know a few of them walked away with a different attitude. And as for my homeroom class, we had fewer conversations about the same topics due to the fact that they got it right away...they just needed a refresher/refocus every once in a while. They understood I was looking for the effort in their work...not just a correct answer. Sometimes I told them I was grading on the effort and didn't even look at their answers. I could see the relief in many HARD WORKING, smiling faces.

I've excited about moving further into the book to amp up my "effort" lessons.

Friday, June 12, 2015

A Teacher's Summer: Week 1

So this is my first "teacher" summer and let me tell you, it is pretty darn cool. That last week of school was sooooo tough with all the anticipation of 2 months out with only my babies. 

Here's a glimpse of how this first week went down.

Hometown graduation // Afternoon standoffs // Little man turning TWO! 
A potential buyer's secret message // Mother's Day Off pick-up surprises  
A princess "necklace"// Little Man's Beauty Salon.

All that...with a side of sleeping in makes this teacher very happy.

I'm sure I'll go into teacher-planning mode soon. But for now, I'm soaking up my own children.

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 4

One of my biggest fears is being late. I absolutely HATE being late. 2 minutes or 22 minutes. And I'm late, there's a good chance I won't show up to whatever I'm late to at all. Just because I'm late.

But I had to put that fear aside because I refuse to give up on my Hello Sunshine Teachers book study and post my chapter review a day LATE. 

So here are my take aways. 

I was really in awe of how the students responded to the non-verbal reasoning math games. I would l.o.v.e. to do this in my class to introduce the growth mindset to my students next year. I think it will really cement the idea in a way they can notice the change within them. Sometimes they don't notice academic changes but if it's a fun game and they are learning different strategies to beat their opponent, they are all in. 

Do you some game suggestions for ELAR?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 3

I'm back to link of Chapter 3 of Mindsets in the Classroom for Hello Sunshine Teachers' book study.

I was a little fearful after our hectic weekend that I would get behind on this book study. Though hectic, many blessings came from it. We finally listed our house for sale on Friday and had 3 showings on Sunday. By Sunday night, we had a nearly full price offer. I didn't expect things to move so fast. So yeah, I fully expected to put my book on the back burner. But come to find out, late night and early morning reading has become my thing since late night and early morning planning aren't in session.

So on to my thoughts about Chapter 3.

I was happy to see a bit about small groups in this chapter. This was one of the scariest and hardest things I had to deal with this past year. I was constantly discouraged and never felt like I had a good enough system to benefit my students in our small groups. I hope to take the notes I made from this chapter and use it to plan my groups even better this next year. Though I am a little fearful as to how I will manage 3 instructional groups with 26 students. Ek! 

Please share ANY and ALL tips you have for small groups!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 2

I've had so much fun the last few days checking out the other blogs linking up to this mindset-changing book study hosted by Hello Sunshine Teachers. It's so great to see people sharing their take-aways and awesome resources. I've already bookmarked a gazillion websites to refer back to when I sit down to tackle next year's plan.

For now, I'm focused on this book. I dove into Chapter 2 yesterday while I waited for my husband load and unload and attempt to reload a tractor. All I can say is thank goodness for the Kindle app!

Here are my notes from this chapter.

This chapter was pretty freeing for me. I knew I might go into this book feeling guilty for not having this practices in place this last school year, my first school year, but this chapter helped wash that guilt and has be enthusiastic to use whatever I learn with my new babies coming in August.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 1

To keep my educator-brain satisfied and to get me back into the blogging game, I'm super excited to be joining in on Hello Sunshine Teachers' Mindsets in the Classroom book study.

I can't say that I'm a pro at this book study thing because I've never actually done a book study before. And since I can't say that, this first chapter of notes is pretty scarce. I'm sure I'll be learning and developing my note taking skills along the way and that makes the "lifelong learner" side of me super happy. 

After reading this first chapter, I started thinking about the students that had just left me today and I started analyzing each one of them to see what type of mindset they had. 

I started thinking about my "Principal's Award" selection from yesterday and this chapter helped cement my belief that I made the very best selection possible. I took a child with a fixed mindset in August and planted the growth mindset "seed". I don't know that I truly changed his mindset but I know that there, in the back of his mind, he does believe he is capable of more now than ever before. 

This chapter just came at the perfect time.

I received 2 notes today - a student letter and a parent email - that make me think I might be on the right track at using whatever I gain from this book in my classroom from Day 1 of this upcoming school year. 

Notes like these bring me to tears. Despite how appreciative they are, they have no idea how much I've learned from them, the children. It's encouraging and humbling. I literally have the very best job EVER.

Is it weird that the first day of Summer Break isn't even here and I'm excited for next school year?

The End of My First Year

My first year as a 4th grade teacher came to a close today. It was an incredible year!!!

I'm SOOO close to getting my standard certification. I'll be spending these first few weeks of the summer finishing up some projects for my certification program and I'll be DONE!

As you can tell by the gap in my posts, the life of this blog did not go as I had intended it to. I actually never even logged onto my blog. But I had such an amazing first year and am here, now, to share my journey.