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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 2

I've had so much fun the last few days checking out the other blogs linking up to this mindset-changing book study hosted by Hello Sunshine Teachers. It's so great to see people sharing their take-aways and awesome resources. I've already bookmarked a gazillion websites to refer back to when I sit down to tackle next year's plan.

For now, I'm focused on this book. I dove into Chapter 2 yesterday while I waited for my husband load and unload and attempt to reload a tractor. All I can say is thank goodness for the Kindle app!

Here are my notes from this chapter.

This chapter was pretty freeing for me. I knew I might go into this book feeling guilty for not having this practices in place this last school year, my first school year, but this chapter helped wash that guilt and has be enthusiastic to use whatever I learn with my new babies coming in August.


  1. I felt the same way Lynzi! Even though we have started this process at my school I still have a long way to go. Great post!

  2. I love your saying that you are going to make a banner for! What a great idea! I agree, I am excited to be bringing some of these ideas into my classroom next year! This is why we read these books every summer, to help us become better teachers! Thanks for linking up with us!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

    1. Thanks! I've never made any sort of graphic so I'm hoping I can figure it out. If you have any tips for that, I'd GREATLY appreciate it! :D
