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Monday, June 15, 2015

Book Study: Mindsets in the Classroom - Chapter 5

Late to the Hello Sunshine Teachers party again. Because I was too busy actually partying. We celebrated my little prince's SECOND birthday yesterday.

Now that the party is over and my house is back in order, it's time to focus on my book study.

Chapter 5 reflections are below.

I loved this chapter. I love anything that talks about resiliency. It's one of my favorite characteristics to find in a person. 

This chapter felts like a checklist for me...on each page I felt like I could check off something I've done for a student. It was very reassuring. 

I can't begin to count how many times I've had conversations about success and failure and effort with my gifted students this past year.  They were my toughest cookies to get to understand the connection. While I couldn't get them all on board, I know a few of them walked away with a different attitude. And as for my homeroom class, we had fewer conversations about the same topics due to the fact that they got it right away...they just needed a refresher/refocus every once in a while. They understood I was looking for the effort in their work...not just a correct answer. Sometimes I told them I was grading on the effort and didn't even look at their answers. I could see the relief in many HARD WORKING, smiling faces.

I've excited about moving further into the book to amp up my "effort" lessons.

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